Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sometimes Life is Crazy

Sometimes life gets crazy. Other times, life gets really crazy.

There are varying types of craziness in life, just as there are varying degrees of crazy. I've experienced crazy in the forms of hectic schedules, demanding responsibilities, stressful situations, and eventful happenings. And that was just this week! The sad part is, I'm sure my life is going to continue down this winding path of weird and wild events.

The one type of crazy that is always most unsettling to me is the crazy resulting from an unanticipated event. That type of crazy is challenging because I always dread the thought of being caught completely unprepared.

I've just experienced three days of crazy--no matter how you define it... At times like these, I would typically long for the return of normalcy. Today, however, I sit here in a state of exhaustion--both physical and mental, but I am satisfied. Despite this sense of being completely spent, I know I have no desire to have things fully return to their previous state.

I encountered a moment of truth (or rather, many moments of truth) in the past few days. I discovered secrets and stories. I uncovered questions without answers. But more importantly, I've found friendship and connections where I never dreamed I would. The conversations of the past few days have been enlightening and emotional, but fulfilling in many ways. And at the end of the day, I'm thrilled to have had this unanticipated crazy fall into my life. And weirdly enough, I find that I am more prepared than I thought I would be.

I think I might be one of those people for whom Life is destined to be a crazy ride. I guess I'll just have to learn to enjoy the scenery.


Fiauna said...

Stopping by from BSU. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This post was so well written. Made me think for a moment.

Olivia said...

Seems like a good kind of crazy.

honeypiehorse said...

This was kind of cryptic but I'm glad you're glad.

Nikki said...

lol- I have to agree with honeypiehorse's comment. I read your post twice through and thought, hope she's doing okay. And I agree with "I always dread the thought of being caught completely unprepared."

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