Monday, August 3, 2009

It was good 'til it wasn't...

I went took my visiting guest out to lunch the other day. I wanted to share one of my favorite luncheon spots with her. After a lazy morning at home, we set out for a little shopping and some food.

I think my guest was pleased with my choice, and we enjoyed a little gossip and some laughs, along with some good food... At least it was good, until we found this...

My guest found this at the end of our meal... I hope it didn't have any friends taking up residence in her salad. If so, they were never recovered (ew!). For the next few days, we joked about going out for another Fly Salad.

For the record, the price of her meal was fully refunded. But I have to wonder, would you rather have the free meal or pay full price for a Fly-Free Salad?


Gracey said...

No wondering here... full price and fly-free dinner please!

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