The Mister informed me that there is a saying--something about a man who has a hammer thinks that everything he sees is a nail...
I've never actually heard that saying before, and I'm sure I just did it a terrible injustice... But, whatever...
The Mister proceeded to tell me that I have my very own version of a hammer. And I have to admit that he may be right!
I've recently become acquainted with the merits of Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint. I can't believe the transformation that a little ORB can achieve! It can update, improve, camouflage, transform and create... Truly miraculous! But I do concede that maybe I am finding a little too much love in a bottle. I actually told my dad not to stand in my entryway too long unless he wanted to be bronzed... He thought I was kidding!
So, here are some examples of what I can do (have done) with my little bit of magic in a can.
First off, our new home came with brushed nickle everything. And, while it's fine for some styles, it's not my style. So--I bronzed all my light fixtures.
I've also bronzed some ugly, old, wooden candle sticks, and I made a beautiful ORB lamp out of a really grungy brass lamp. Oh, the possibilities! ORB, I love you!