Saturday, December 10, 2011


The Mister informed me that there is a saying--something about a man who has a hammer thinks that everything he sees is a nail...

I've never actually heard that saying before, and I'm sure I just did it a terrible injustice...  But, whatever...

The Mister proceeded to tell me that I have my very own version of a hammer.  And I have to admit that he may be right!

I've recently become acquainted with the merits of Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint.  I can't believe the transformation that a little ORB can achieve!  It can update, improve, camouflage, transform and create...  Truly miraculous!  But I do concede that maybe I am finding a little too much love in a bottle.  I actually told my dad not to stand in my entryway too long unless he wanted to be bronzed...  He thought I was kidding!

So, here are some examples of what I can do (have done) with my little bit of magic in a can.

First off, our new home came with brushed nickle everything.  And, while it's fine for some styles, it's not my style.  So--I bronzed all my light fixtures.

That went so well that I moved onto the bathroom.  Did you know you can create your own ORB Dixie Cup dispenser?  Yep, you can!  Here's proof!

I've also bronzed some ugly, old, wooden candle sticks, and I made a beautiful ORB lamp out of a really grungy brass lamp.  Oh, the possibilities!  ORB, I love you!


Nikki said...

Oh. my. goodness. I can't wait to get my hands on some of that!

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