Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Snow Envy

Yesterday when I awoke, I was hit with the realization that Late Fall had arrived.  The lawn had been drenched during the night, there was a rich, dewiness to everything.  The colors were more vibrant--or maybe more stark--I can't quite decide.  The leaves from the neighbors trees had cartwheeled across the lawn...  Finally relaxing into restful poses against anything upright.  Their rich, seasonal colors of gold and flame a contrast against the drab concrete and the mellow green of the grass.

And then I looked toward my former home...  The neighborhood upon the hilltop.  They had snow.  The first snow.  The best snow...  The earliest snow of each season is special.  It usually arrives stealthfully in the night.  The morning making its entrance with a surprising glistening on each surface outside our windows.  The first snow is usually early enough that the dazzling, autumnal colors of the trees seep through the translucent dusting to create a watercolor of muted tones.

I have to say, I'm not wishing for winter, not yet.  I have no desire for the hassles of bundling up in coats, mittens, hats, and scarves...  But still, there is nothing like that first dusting of early snow...  I can't wait for my first white morning surprise.  And I think it might be coming soon!


TravelByTurtle said...

Hope you didn't pack your camera away during the move. It's a bright white world today!

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