Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weight: I'm Falling!

You know those moments when you want to crawl under a rock and die of embarrassment? I should have had one of those moments the other day, but I didn't. Why didn't I? I guess because I can acknowledge the truth.

This week someone asked me if I was expecting. And before you even give that another thought, let me just remind you that I have triplets. And now, I will assure you that the answer is NO! No, I am not having another baby. The truth is, I'm just getting fat.

At one point in my life I would have been mortally wounded by someone suggesting that I had put on a few. The truth, however, is that I can acknowledge that I do indeed need to lose some weight. I could give any number of excuses, starting of course with the fact that I did carry a set of triplets (how could anyone forget what that does to a body?!). But the truth is, I just haven't put any effort into it lately.

So, I guess it's that time once again. Time to lose a few pounds. Luckily, I had already decided to make a change, but thanks for the added incentive!

You might have noticed my SkinnyR graph at the bottom of this page. I am going to post my progress. Is this an effort in self-humiliation? Yes, yes it is. I am hoping that by knowing there is a possibility that someone is watching, I'll try harder. So please be supportive. And no laughing!

So here's the deal: I will weigh myself several times a week and post the results. I will not fudge the numbers (mmmmm, fudge). But I am not agreeing to weigh myself on days when the Fall weather gets the better of me. For instance, if (by chance) I make a batch of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies I will eat one (OK, I'll eat more than one) and I will not be posting a weight check the next day! My weight chart--My rules.

My goal is to lose a total of 27 pounds. I am taking suggestions, recipes, tips, and encouragement. And just for the record--Red Mango is a diet food. It's yogurt and fresh berries. So you can still feel free to bring one over!


TravelByTurtle said...

My advice;
Drink a half gallon of water per day.
Get at least 6k steps on your pedometer per day.

Make sure that losing 27 won't be unhealthy!!!

bebe said...

Thanks--I do need to drink more water. As for the 27 pounds, don't worry, plenty to spare!

JillandMauricio said...

Hey found your blog sign on mamasource and just read this, but have you ever heard of the web sight It is where you can log calories. It keeps you accountable for you calorie intake and you can log workouts and figure out the change in your caloric intake from how much you work out. They always say food journals are the best way to lose. It is a great web sight and it helped me lose about 25 lbs. Good luck!!

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