Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sure looks like spring to me...

I awoke to blue skies striated by wispy bits of cloud.  The fact that I could even see blue sky was remarkable, not only because we've recently had so many cloudy days, but because I was expecting a storm.  But blue sky was indeed visible out my window.  My only complaint was that I was viewing it rather early on a Saturday morning...
By the time 10:00am rolled around, I could see little flutters outside my window.  They were the type of snowflakes that seem to hover...  Drifting, floating, rising to fall again...  Those fluttery bits quickly transforming to chunky, cottony bunches of fluff.

But as with most spring storms, I thought this one would quickly pass...  Leaving a soggy world to thaw out again...  It was a great surprise when I returned home from an appointment today.  The dainty flakes of the morning and the chunkier flakes of the afternoon had collaborated to form a billowy cloak that spread across the mountainside.

 Lest you think that our storm was fleeting and unremarkable, let me assure you that as of right now (10:22pm) the snow is still swirling around the neighborhood hills and dells.  In fact, I was fortunate enough to follow the snowplow home this evening.  And even with the benefit of the freshly blazed trail, I nearly found myself walking in from the main road.  Isn't March one of the spring months?  Because I'm fairly certain that it's winter outside my front door!  Snowshoeing, anyone?


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