Saturday, November 29, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

Christmas is coming and I'm sure it will arrive on my doorstep long before I'm completely ready. It seems like the anticipation grows at an exponential rate starting from the time the Thanksgiving dishes are washed and peaking late into the night as I herd the kids back to bed (yet again) on Christmas Eve.

The little boys' wish lists are growing and evolving every day, as yet another toy commercial sways their loyalty. The teen and tween are flummoxed as they strive to request the best gifts possible without crossing that indefinable line where they know there is no prayer of fulfillment.

I wish grown-up Christmas Lists were as simple. The Mister buys anything he wants/needs, the grandparents are much the same. What do you gift upon people like that? And for my own wish, I want something that only I can provide for myself, and the reality of achieving that is truly destined to be an unfulfilled wish.

So here we are, hurtling toward the most anticipated day of the year, and I don't know what the outcome will be. I just hope it isn't fraught with disappointment for all. And mostly, I hope we can all remember the true reason for the celebration and appreciate the season accordingly.


rachel said...

Just found your blog on mormon mommies-actually in the comments for voting for December spotlight. Your comment made me laugh, cuz that is exactly what I think a lot (except that I'm not sure even my mom was reading it for awhile :)
Anyway, I like your blog and your kids are adorable!

JB said...

Just wanting to let everyone know, I have everything, but you can always knit me some socks.


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